For all your tax filing pleasure. This year, while 2021 returns are due April 30, you may notice that is a weekend, so you actually have until May 2. This, however, doesn’t mean that I will be working May 2, so make sure to get in early.
Things to watch out for:
The Canada Workers benefit threshold has changed, among other things.
The home office expense has increased to $500 but you must have worked more than 50% of the time at home, for at least 4 consecutive weeks due to COVID. Make sure to get that T2200S form signed and bring it with you. Talk with me about whether you qualify for detailed expenses.
Did you buy a zero emission vehicle in 2021? Don’t forget to let me know.
It is proposed to expand the educator school Supply Tax credit. You do need certain things, like receipts and confirmation from the school so let me know if you’re a teacher.
And bring with you all slips, RRSP contributions, donations, details of a home you sold, details of business and rental activity and all the usual stuff. If you’re a client already you would have received a letter reminding you what you had last year. I won’t need last year’s T1 and if I don’t have online access, I will need your Notice of Assessment.
That’s it. Let’s get rolling.