
  • Is your business not expanding as you thought it would? Are you having trouble getting it off the ground?
  • Or is it going to fast you are having trouble with time management? Are you are getting volumes of email and need to figure out how to manage it?
  • You aren’t sure how to market yourself or your business?
  • Are you at the point where you need to look for third-party financing but you aren’t sure how to go about it?

Mentorship & CFO

  • You have a problem and have nobody to ask who has been self-employed.
  • You are doing a trade show for the first time.
  • You need to know if your accountant is on the right track or if you are getting the right engagement for what you need.
  • You don’t understand the engagement you have or don’t understand the tax return.
    You want to know how to read financial statements.
    You want to know if your business is profitable.
    You need to write a business plan.


  1. Mid-life financial coaching
  2. Self-employment – not for the faint of heart
  3. Business coaching – which is really part of the above but you’ve decided to do it anyways
  4. Social media marketing – why you tweet your face to the gram.
  5. Setting up your bookkeeping file properly from the start
  6. Explaining what incorporating actually means and why you’ll still pay taxes
  7. Hiring employees vs having contractors – either way, get it in writing
  8. Building ethical business practices.