There’s nothing like a lock-down and isolation and quarantine and a global pandemic to garner gratitude and appreciation.
First, for my businesses, yes, I know your T-slips are due February 28.
Second, for my T1 peeps, yes, I know RRSP contributions are due at the end of next month.
I know it will be a little unusual, but something that was booked a planned well over 2 1/2 years ago will see me being AFK from January 27, 2022 through February 13, 2022. The big takeaway here is “don’t panic”. T1 season doesn’t even open until the following week. Phone calls and emails will be returned by February 14, 2022 just in time to share something special with your sweetheart (and by that I mean pension splitting or medical expenses 😉
If you were with me last year, you will be receiving in the mail very shortly and it will have my usual globs of information. It will have all kinds of interesting things for the coming tax season.
In the meantime, let’s just all hope that the beginning of February brings early crocuses and lots of the good weather that Vancouver can be known for 😉

In the meantime, let’s hope things keep improving and don’t get noticeably worse while I’m off.